Can I drive while my application is with the DVLA?

I drive a bus/lorry for a living and I have sent my application to the DVLA to renew my licence. I do not have any medical conditions. Can I drive?
As soon as the DVLA receives your correct and complete application for a new licence, as long as you meet the Section 88 criteria and providing your Group 2 (bus or lorry) licence has not been suspended, revoked or refused by a traffic commissioner you may drive.
To continue driving under Section 88, you must meet all of the following criteria:
• Your doctor must have told you that you are
fit to drive by providing you with a D4 medical. If your doctor is unsure about how
a medical condition affects driving, they should
refer to ‘Assessing fitness to drive – a guide
for medical professionals’ at
• You have held a valid driving licence (see
*below) and only drive vehicles you have
applied for on your current application and
were entitled to drive on your previous licence.
• If you hold a Group 2 (bus or lorry) licence,
your entitlement has not been suspended,
revoked or refused by a traffic commissioner.
• You meet any conditions that were specified
on your previous licence that still apply.
• DVLA has received your correct and complete
application within the last 12 months.
• Your last licence was not revoked
or refused for medical reasons.
• You are not currently disqualified
from driving by a court.
• You were not disqualified as a high risk
offender on or after 1 June 2013 (a high
risk offender is a driver convicted of a
serious drink driving offence).
* this licence can be a full GB licence,
a GB provisional licence, a European
Community licence, a Northern Ireland
licence, a British external/British Forces
licence or an exchangeable licence.
Section 88 of The Road Traffic
Act 1988 may allow you to
continue driving even though
you do not hold a current
driving licence.